A Satisfying Sail Around the World

The ultimate cruise. Not to break speed records, not to face the extremes of high latitudes, not to be the youngest circumnavigator — this is world sailing for the rest of us. To meet the routine challenges of the sea, weather, breakdowns, and crew living in a confined space in stressful conditions. To savor the joys of the stars, the dolphins at the bows, the sensation of being moved by the wind, a destination appearing on the horizon, a welcome meal after a trying day. To more fully experience our home Earth, and meet distant brothers and sisters who share our home — so different and so the same, to better understand our own lives and place.

This website goes hand-in-hand with the book. You can see all the photos from the book, and more. You can view/add comments, peruse blog entries, and contact the author (me). And you can purchase the book.



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